Welcome to the "official" Subaru 360 Drivers Club! On this site you will find club history, the history of the 360, our discussion forums, and more! Be sure to visit our photo gallery!

The goal of the Subaru 360 Drivers Club is to help our members keep their cars running, find parts, and keep both cylinders moving!

If you have any feedback about the site, or if you have ideas, please send us an e-mail. This is, after all, your site, and we want all club members to have a say in it and feel as though they are a real part of what we do and what we're all about. Any suggestions or specific questions should be sent to Jamie (Webmaster), Ed (President), or Brian (Registrations).

This page best viewed under Mozilla Firefox with Flash Player 5 or newer. If you cannot see the menu at the top, you can get the Flash Player plug-in free from Adobe or you can use our non-Flash site.

LEGAL: All images, pages, text, and other content copyright 2005-2011 Subaru360Club.org and/or their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, physical or electronic is a violation of US and International law.